The Superintendent's Opening Statement For All Employees


We would like to thank you for opening another smooth school year.  It is obvious that we are recharged and ready to start a new year, especially given the challenges of last year.  While we may have lost ground or failed to make anticipated gains, we as a district and group of professionals are still committed to the success of all children.

This week, we observed teachers using anchor charts with My Job, Your Job, writing, conversations, establishment of routines and procedures, use of technology, and some classes actually had students on Chrome books.  A few classrooms in the upper grades had begun their Success Maker Interim Placement relative to their interventions for student growth.  We were working tirelessly making sure that all of our students are uploaded in the system by Monday.

As we roll up our sleeves and continue to push forward on this educational journey, please read the attached reminders to further enhance and promote high levels of learning.  We are so grateful for your commitment, courage and care that you display in numerous ways.  Keep up the good work!!  Have a great weekend.

Roll Herd….

Herman Brister, Superintendent


