Baker Middle School student Kelcie Hitchens, 13, right, watches as ExxonMobil's Pamela Rafferty, left, a venture executive on the polypropylene growth project at its Baton Rouge Polyolefins Plant, measures the height of the spaghetti tower built by Hitchens' team, at ExxonMobil's annual 'Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day,' Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2022 at BREC's Greenwood Park. Each team used the pasta, tape, string and marshmallows, seeking to make the highest, stable structure, with the largest marshmallow on top. A second project was assembling water filtration systems. About 75 East Baton Rouge and Baker Schools girls in grade levels 5-9 learned with a day of hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) activities, connecting with about 30 engineers and industry professionals, many of them female. Historically, young women were not encouraged to pursue science and engineering careers as much as were males, and the event serves to expose girls to the career possibilities.